Legal form: Société par Actions Simplifiées (simplified joint-stock company) capitalised at €1,000,000.00.
Registered office address: 01250 Simandre sur Suran
e-mail address:"
RCS registered number: 318 961 695 RCS - BOURG EN BRESSE
Intra-community VAT no.: FR 318 961 695
Local authority: Bourg en Bresse Publication approved by the Chief Executives of the company. ANY COPYING OR REPRODUCTION OF WEBSITE CONTENT IS PROHIBITED"
All media published as part of the website (photographs, videos, thumbnail images, full-size images, drawings, 3D images, logo, etc.) are the property of TMP CONVERT JOUPLAST SAS. All reproduction, copying or dissemination of information contained in this website is prohibited. Documents such as data sheets and catalogues may be downloaded for information and personal training purposes. Any distribution or reproduction of such documents is prohibited.
This website is hosted by: ONE SYSTEM - 01700 MIRIBEL
Personal data
Information entered in, and collected from, the contact form will be processed for use by: TMP CONVERT SAS
For the following purpose(s): Sales promotion, Product development, After-sales service and Market surveys
These data will be received by: The sales, marketing, product and technical departments
In accordance with the loi informatique et libertés (French Data Protection Act) of 6 January 1978 and its subsequent amendments, you have a legal right to access and correct your personal information.
You may access your personal information by calling: +33 (0)4 74 25 95 97
You may also object to the processing of your personal data for legitimate reasons. For more information, visit the website of the CNIL (French independent data protection regulator) to view your legal rights."